

Alejandro Coutinho is a Venezuelan photographer and audiovisual artist, born in the city of Barquisimeto, whose work combines aesthetic sensitivity with a deep interest in creative processes. His journey into the arts began at a young age, exploring piano and theater, experiences that defined his approach to visual storytelling. Although he initially worked as a lawyer, in 2015 he decided to follow his true passion: photography, a medium that has allowed him to capture the beauty of movement, dance, and human emotions, among other themes.

He began taking photos as a hobby, delving into the technical aspects of the camera, lighting, and composition, eventually turning them into a passion, which led him to pursue a Postgraduate Diploma in Photography Studies at CIECA, Barquisimeto, Venezuela.

His work has been presented in solo exhibitions in both Venezuela and Portugal, including "Belleza Antinatura" (2017), "Musas" (2018), "Barquisimeto "Antinatura" (2018), and "De Musas y Poemas" (2024), the latter held in Lisbon, where he currently resides. Each project reflects his ability to transform abstract ideas into images that connect with the viewer, creating a dialogue between the visual and the emotional.

Teaching is another fundamental pillar of his career. With solid experience as a teacher and facilitator, Alejandro Coutinho has led workshops and specialized modules at institutions such as the School of Cinema and Photography CIECA and Fermín Toro University in Barquisimeto. His pedagogical approach focuses on inspiring others to explore their creativity, providing technical tools and concepts to help develop a unique visual voice. For him, teaching is not only about transmitting knowledge but also about learning from the unique perspectives of each student.

Alejandro Coutinho deeply believes in the transformative power of art and the importance of creative processes as tools to understand and communicate the intangible.



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content @ Alejandro Coutinhosite by Bluekea